Monday, April 16, 2012

Analysis of Hamlet

William Shakespeare 1564-1616, famous playwright in England, world renowned 

Elsinore, Denmark 

This play is about a prince, Hamlet, who returns from his stay at school to see that his father has been killed and his mother has remarried to his uncle. Hamlet meets the ghost of his father and finds out about the truth of his death and is asked to kill his own uncle. Throughout the entire novel, Hamlet debates whether or not to kill his uncle or whether to believe the ghosts accusations. All hell breaks loose and the palace of Elsinore slowly turns into a slaughter house  as the late Hamlet is avenged and many accidental deaths happen in the process.

1. The gaurds and Horatio see the Ghost of the late Hamlet and decide to inform Hamlet himself. He is told and the Ghost tells Hamlet that he was murdered by his brother and to avenge his death by killing his uncle.
2. Laertes leaves for France but not before giving some brotherly advice to Ophelia and receiving some fatherly advice. Polonius warns Ophelia of Hamlet. Shortly Ophelia tells her father of Hamlet's estranged behavior.
3. Polonius tells King Claudius and Gertrude of Hamlet's behavior and the king sends for Rosencratz and Guildenstern to find the cause of Hamlet's insanity.
4. Hamlet is betrayed by Ophelia when they meet and Polonius and Claudius listen to their conversation.
5. Hamlet asks the players to perform a play similar to the situation in Elsinore and watches the Kings behavior as they watch the play. Claudius loses his cool and Hamlet sees that the Ghost must have been telling the truth.
6. Hamlet confronts Gertrude for her incestuous actions Thinking that the King was behind the curtains Hamlet stabs the body, and accidentally kills Polonius. The Ghost appears again and Gertrude promises to help Hamlet.  
7. Hamlet is sent to England with Rosencrantz and Guildenstern. The two friends have a letter from the King saying that Hamlet is to be killed. Their ship is attacked by pirates and Hamlet is on his way back to Denmark. Laertes returns to deal with his fathers death and sister's madness. He blames Hamlet.
8. Ophelia commits suicide by throwing herself into a river. Upon her burial Laertes throws himself into her grave who is then followed by the returned Hamlet. Claudius then suggests a fencing match between the two. The king has a secret plan with Laertes to cheat and use poison both on the sword tip and in a cup meant for Hamlet.

9. The two battle. Hamlet is wounded by the sword laced with posion and then wounds Laertes with the same sword. Gertrude drinks the poison meant for Hamlet and dies. Laertes dies and warns Hamlet of Claudius' actions. Hamlet then kills Claudius.
10. Hamlet tells Horatio to pass on his story, and names Fortinbras the kind of Denmark. Hamlet dies. 

significant characters:

Hamlet: The main character in the play. He is in his thirties. He is the son to the late King Hamlet and Gertrude. He is nephew to Claudius. He is a very intelligent man who can talk very quickly and is talented in the department of very witty rhetoric. His closest friend is Horatio, and he was having relations with Ophelia. Throughout the play he struggles to go against the societal limits.
Ghost of Hamlet's father: A loved and noble king. Husband to Gertrude, father to Hamlet, and brother of Claudius. Killed by Claudius by receiving poison through the ear. He asks his son to kill his brother Claudius so he can rest.
Gertrude: Wife to the late Hamlet, but current wife to King Claudius. Mother to Hamlet. She is accused of committing incestuous acts and betraying her first husband.
Claudius: The current King of Denmark. He is brother to the late Hamlet, husband of Gertrude, and uncle to young Hamlet. He killed his brother and then took over the throne.
Polonius: He is a lord and adviser to King Claudius. He is also father to Ophelia and Laertes. 
Laertes: Son of Polonius, brother to Ophelia.Ophelia: Daughter of Polonius, sister to Laertes, lover of Hamlet. She eventually loses her mind and commits suicide. 
Horatio: Hamlet's trusted friend. He is the only character to remain loyal throughout the entire play.
Rosencrantz/Guildenstern: They are childhood friends of Hamlet. They are mistaken for each other multiple times in the play and are simply there to push the plot along. They are the fifth business of the play.
Fortinbras: He is the Prince of Norway and eventually takes the throne of Denmark at the end of the play.

- "To be, or not to be: that is the question..." -Hamlet
    This shows Hamlet's constant questioning over the point of living and death itself. 

-"Now might I do it pat, now he is praying; and so am I revenged..." - Hamlet
      This quote shows how Hamlet struggles with the idea of killing his own uncle. This quote also shows how Hamlet struggles with the religious rules of his society and his inner desires.

Theme & Support:
A single action can cause a landslide of actions.Claim 1: Every action is intertwined.
Claim 2: Every player is important.

1 comment:

  1. Your summary made me laugh, quite clever! although can death really be an accident? I realize that in the play some may not have been the intended victim, but would the play be the same without their deaths? I don't think so, but yes soooo much death it is crazy! Your theme statement is interesting, its not something that i would have thought of as the main theme, but i like it. Also, do you think revenge was the right choice by Hamlet? Revenge is a huge theme in the book. Also, was Hamlet truly mad? ahh so many unanswered questions haha, but very good job!
